Managing Expectations / Expecting Management - An Art Book

Managing Expectations / Expecting Management - An Art Book
40 pages - full color - 8x12in
50 prints all hand numbered/signed.
This is a manual of how to exist. It will guide you towards anti-guidance. It's all just an art book. It was made by not an artist nor a philosopher.
This is not a joke.
I'm sick of all the answers and rules being prescribed. This thing in your hands is a difiant act against answers. I posed not quite questions in visual and textual medium, which has now been transformed into a book. It will likely sit on your coffee table looking nice. Perhaps from time to time it will inspire you to open it and ask your own questions. If I were you and I bought this book I would immediately take a crayon and make it my own and say FUCK YOU. You should really stop expecting management.
None of us really have a clue what anything is or what any of it means. Here in this book are traces of questions and possible responses to those questions posed or not posed. The process is the point so perhaps this will start a process for you. I hope I have properly managed your expectations.