Systems Are Not Systems, Systemically Speaking

Systems of power
systems of tech
systems of art
systems of systems
system shortage. System overload. System failure. System online. Systems offline.
The limits of language. The limits of number. The limits of knowledge.
There is justice in a system and a system of justice. There are words at play here but is it only words? It is systemic deeds and deeded systems. You are property, according to some systems. You have earning power and risk factors actuarially speaking but definitively according to a system of accounting.
The correction system, academic system, intellectual system. Systems training, systems tuning, systems thinking. Been there, done that, within the system, outside the system, through the system. I followed the system, watched you through the system, rode the system, the system of roads less traveled are not yet a system. Networks are systems of nodes and edges, systems sigmas and system sigmoids. Systems of voids and nulls can be combined to form the number system and its successors.
Have you contacted the system? System’s leaders? Been through the triple A system? The farm system? Learning before you’re called up to the big time, the system of real system operators? Did you get lost in the political system? Slipped through the cracks? The cracks are a system too, a system of cracks is bigger than the system of systems? This makes me nervous – I feel it in my nervous system influenced by endocrine systems influenced by systems of influence and environmental systems. I wish these were smart systems sensitive to other systems, but not too sensitive. Systemically sensitive to just the right amount of system.
Systems of grammar
systems of signs
systems of religion
discipline systems
automated systems are not free. But is it the system that is not free or the automation? Is it possible to be a free system or are systems inherently systemic?
Greeks had a system. A solar system. A mathematical system. A Universal System. The universe is a system. The whole system. The only system.
Marshall McLuhan, a system of systems, a member of the human system, systemically laid claim to the visual nature of systems. Of course, the system is the system. There was no system before McLuhan.
He was a closed system living in an open system.
Bounded and compact
Complete and unbounded
Boundaries connect systems or disconnect them
One man’s system is another man’s trash
Put it in the waste systemic
Manage it, measure it
A system that can’t be measured can’t be improved but it’s still a system being measured by its incommensurability.
There’s a doubt, for now, in this system of time, a moment of doubt, that my nervous system and ganglion cells don’t understand any of this codex I’ve written on this operating system. The system of understanding has generated a system of misunderstanding. Marshall rolls over in his grave, then that’s not a system! A medium is a message but a non message is not a non medium and a non understanding is not a non system, so it must be a system.
Systems of biology
Sensory systems
Measurement systems
systems of currency
unit systems
standards, norms, rules, guidelines, laws
natural laws, natural systems
artificial systems, artificial laws
Surely artificial laws are not laws. A law is a law. But not by itself. It must be part of a system of laws. At least the law and its not law. That’s a simple system. Simple as it gets. Right. Wrong. Nothing in between. Wrongish Right isn’t lawful and it certainly isn’t a system nor part of a system, except a linguistic system. Wittgenstein made sure that even linguistic systems aren’t really systems. They too fall apart.
Systems are fragile
Black swans or maladapted
Systems are temporary
Systems are forever
Systems protect you
Systems oppress us
Systems are systems
We are systems
Systems protect Systems
Systems oppress Systems
Count with me, use the sieve, it’s part of the algorithmic system. An ancient thing made modern by x86 systems. Count with me, a system to help you sleep. 2,3,5,7,11… clearly a system of primes but no systematic way to account for them all. So it’s not a system, except in words. It is a system of numbers but not a number system. And you are a system of systems but definitely free willed to do otherwise than what your systems of systems within these systems allows for you. As long as your systemic thinking has been well trained within the education system to think outside the system.
All is not lost. Because none of it was gained.
It’s probably not a system.
System shutting down.